Browsing Category


  • Happy Wedding Day!

    June 6, 2009

    Best wishes to Krista a.k.a. The Canadian Bride and her groom, Wade, as they are joined in marriage today! Congratulations. I hope it is…

  • Music for All Ages

    June 4, 2009

    Our wedding will welcome guests from ages 1 to 85 years old. You can’t please everyone, especially when it comes to music, but I…

  • Walk On By…

    May 29, 2009

    Lately, I haven’t been too vigilant with my fitness goals. I guess I assumed that magically, with the pressure of our pending wedding, I…

  • Lucky

    May 27, 2009

    I’m sitting at my desk with my earphones in crooning to this song… (the sound quality stinks on this clip, but couldn’t find a…

  • Bad RSVP Behavior

    May 26, 2009

    Source I couldn’t be more excited and grateful that guests are responding to our invites and sending in their RSVPs in a timely manner….

  • Floral Mock-Ups

    May 24, 2009

    Source: Flush Designs BlogUmmm, how else can I say this? My floral designer is the sh*t. Yeah, that just about sums it up.Check out…

  • I’m Contemplating…

    May 21, 2009

    …telling inquiring guests that we are registered for gift cards at Anthropologie. Do you think they’d fall for it? :)This post is proof that…

  • Lack of Commenting

    May 19, 2009

    (Source)I have been so swamped for the past few weeks, I haven’t had time to comment on all of my favorite blogs! Just a…

  • You’re Invited

    May 19, 2009

    One of the messes that resulted from the aftermath of our postponement was the invitations. Why was it a mess? Well, we had already…