Browsing Category


  • Our Little Man

    February 15, 2010

    My surprise revealed!!This weekend our family welcomed a new member to our home. We adopted a puppy!Readers, meet Henry.Henry is a chihuahua/dachshund mix. He…

  • Surprise!

    February 14, 2010

    sourceI am announcing something kinda big on my blog on Monday! ‘Til then, enjoy the rest of your weekend!Happy Valentine’s Day, sweet things.P.S. I’m…

  • Part Time Hobby

    February 10, 2010

    I think I may re-work my resume to list my part time hobby of:Entering to win A Cup of Jo giveaways, and never winning!!I…

  • Be My Valentine

    February 10, 2010

    anthroI have such fond memories of Valentine’s Day. Here are a few.1) In elementary school, I will always remember the little brown lunch bags…

  • The Pouf.

    February 7, 2010

    L and I were watching an old favorite this morning. BEST IN SHOW. Oh my gawd, it’s hilarious.sourceIt was then that I had an…

  • Morning Moods

    February 3, 2010

    I am not a morning person. I wish dearly that I was. My mom is a morning person, and most days she’s completed her…