I am not a morning person. I wish dearly that I was. My mom is a morning person, and most days she’s completed her entire day’s errands, exercised, and showered by 8 a.m. I, on the other hand, have to be dragged out of bed by my ponytail. Since I started kindergarten, and I needed to be up for school, I have been a morning terror. Everyone who has ever lived with me can attest to this.
Here are a few things that have helped enhance my morning moods lately.
Fresh flowers on my bed stand. It’s a little thing that I feel has enhanced my moods a lot. Something about going to bed and waking up to flowers. (Yes, those are carnations.)

Bath and Body Works has an amazing Aromatherapy line! I especially love their Energy body wash in Mandarin Lime. It smells SO good, and it actually wakes me up in the shower.

I keep a glass of water or a water bottle by my bed at all times. I try and drink water first thing in the morning. It helps wake me up and also helps my stomach prepare itself for a small breakfast. I don’t know why, but it seems to help.
Are you a morning person? If not, what are some little tricks you use to wake up in the morning?

My MIL got me a basket with the Aromatherapy line for "Sleep" in it—Lavender and Vanilla. It reminds me a bit of Johnson's and Johnson's shampoo smell, which I kind of like! I only use it if I'm showering right before bed and now it instantly reminds me of sleeping 🙂 I'll have to check out the Energy body wash!
Splash some cold water on your face. Sounds terrible… and it is- but I think the shock wakes you up 😉
My Dream Ring
I have to have a hot shower as soon as I get up. I usually make it as hot as I can stand it!
Great idea about the flowers and the body wash! I think the difference between "morning people" and non-morning people is that morning people have things to look forward to in the morning. I bounce between the two. While I'm not usually a grump to get out of bed, I don't always love it either. Then other mornings, I'm bounding out out of bed with a smile on my face.
Making the bedroom into a retreat is what I am really working on though!
just found your blog, instantly hooked. 🙂 i'm a morning person all the way (due in part to the saturday mornings in fashion district), but i'm out by 10, latest 11. pathetic!
@Cathleya: I love the Sleep line!! The Sleep shampoo used to be my favorite…but then they discontinued it! It totally smells like Johnson's and Johnson's 🙂
@Brandi: Cold water on the face totally works, too! I do that to help close my pores after I take a hot shower. So refreshing 🙂
@Jeana: I'm guilty of the hot shower, too. They say it shouldn't be too hot (to prevent dry skin), but I can't help turning up the temp in the morning!
@J.Darling: I agree. But I'm the same way I was at age 5. I seriously operate better at night! My father in law told me that all successful people wake up early and feel energized by the possibilities of the day. I was like, "Great. Guess there goes my chances of success!" (I was kidding, sorta)
@Annie: Thanks, welcome to the blog!! Oooh, the fashion district – sounds like an awesome job 🙂
It has been my lifetime goal to become a morning person. I fear it's not meant to be, but I keep trying. That body wash looks yummy.
honey my heart
i'm a semi-morning person, it all depends on how much sleep i get the night before. i always have a glass of water on my nightstand, and love your idea of fresh flowers and aromatherapy 🙂