In the past, I have talked a lot about my debilitating anxiety. Now that I am a mom, it doesn’t mean my anxiety has magically disappeared. (Actually, in some ways, it has intensified since becoming a mom.) When I started therapy about a year ago, I had high hopes that I would somehow be “cured” and with enough hard work and practice, I might get over this condition that has plagued me for years.
I am a person living with generalized anxiety disorder. It has been very difficult for me admit that to myself. Anxiety is something that will always be a part of my life, but I am now much better equipped to manage it. I can even talk myself out of most panic attacks. Therapy and more specifically cognitive behavioral therapy has helped me in so many ways! I have a better understanding of my triggers and what gets my anxious juices flowing.
I am still learning and trying to shift my perspective to better handle my reactions to anxiety-provoking situations. I am constantly looking for ways to combat the fatigue and exhaustion that results from high anxiety.
Here are some strategies I have discussed with my therapist that I use for coping with exhaustion brought on by anxiety.
Get things done when you are motivated.
With anxiety, I experience periods of energized busyness and periods of mental and physical burn out. Instead of looking at my to-do list during the exhausted moments and freaking out more, I put the list away for a day/time when I have energy. Then, when I am feeling good, I try and get things done then. I don’t go crazy trying to complete everything at once, but it feels good when I check a few things off my list. This strategy helps me avoid the utter exhaustion I was feeling by trying to push through my fatigue.
Space out anxiety-provoking events/exposures.
I recently learned this lesson the hard way. Do not try and do ALL the things at once. When I’m feeling confident and upbeat, I tend to think I can do everything, including taking on my biggest fears. Not surprisingly, this mentality has caused major anxiety burn out. It results in needing a great deal of down time to feel back to normal. I feel guilty for feeling so tired around my daughter. Parenting is a 24/7 job, and when I’m just phoning it in, I feel even worse. I try and give myself a few days or even a week between high anxiety situations whenever possible. I realize that this type of scheduling is not always within my control. But, when possible, I work on balancing my schedule as best as I can.
Schedule time for self-care and/or doing something that fuels you.
Believe it or not, blogging has re-ignited a passion in me that I thought I had lost or become too busy as a new mom to entertain. It is something I do for myself. I wrote about self-care recently in this post. I talk about self-care all the time, but I truly believe there is something to be said about being kind to yourself. It isn’t just about physical upkeep, but also mental upkeep. Check in with yourself constantly and remind yourself of what an amazing job you are doing.
Take small breaks from social media.
I’m not talking about days on end, so don’t panic. A few hours or a morning/afternoon/evening away from social media can do wonders. Social media can suck the life right out of me. I can spend hours scanning my Instagram popular feed before bed as my evening guilty pleasure. Stepping back and resting my eyes helps reduce that drained feeling.
open communication with your partner and let them know when you need
I’m not sure if I’ve talked about it here, but grocery shopping is the bane of
my existence. It stresses me out. When I had a lot of anxiety, it was pretty
much impossible for me to even enter a grocery store without feeling panicky.
I’m better now, but it is still one of those things that haunts me. L and I
have tried to be very open and honest when dividing up household tasks. So he
does the grocery shopping. While it might be a traditional task for a
stay-at-home mom, this is what works for us, and grocery shopping is one less
thing for me to worry about. Talk to your partner if you are feeling
overloaded. Make sure they know your triggers.
I hope this helps my fellow anxiety sufferers!
To read about how this all started see: My Truth: I Have Anxiety.

Simply Every
love to you my friend. i love that you are so raw and honest. thanks for sharing as always <3
Thank you, love!! xoxo
Bailie Hemborg
So interesting that you mentioned grocery shopping as it does the same thing to Fredrik and I really wish I could just do it alone but since we do not have a car I cannot carry everything home by myself so he has to come with me. I am thinking perhaps I could just have him meet me when I am done or something so he does not have that anxiety every week.
If you don't mind doing the shopping alone, finding a compromise like meeting up after you are done might be helpful for him! For L and I, it has been essential to stay open and honest about this stuff so that neither of us feels overloaded or resentful. You are a thoughtful spouse to consider his anxiety. xo
Kitt OMalley
Great advice. So important that we take care of ourselves and be mindful of what provokes anxiety. I think of it as titrating those things that overwhelm or overstimulate me. My son, too, has to cope with anxiety. Now that he's an adolescent, he can verbalized his own needs for quiet and limiting social interaction.
"I think of it as titrating those things that overwhelm or overstimulate me." – YES!!
Thank you, Kitt, for your insights and for stopping by the blog! 🙂
Thank you for explaining myself to me! I had no idea why I need days like today where all I can do is lay in bed. I’ve had so many weeks filled with anxiety I just couldn’t do anymore today. You put a lot of myself into perspective for me. Thank yoj
@Jen: I used to be laid up in bed for days after high anxiety times! I will say that it has gotten better and I bounce back quicker since learning to manage my anxiety and keep it (mostly) under control. I do this by being extra kind to myself and trying to live in the moment and take one thing at a time as much as possible. It isn’t always possible and sometimes anxiety gets the better of us. I’m happy to hear you rested – your mind and body needed it!