Last Sunday, we participated in the Komen Race for the Cure LA County. It was both a fun and positive experience. Thousands of people from all walks of life came together to help one cause. Amazing. Here are some pictures from our morning…
My Mom and I before the race.
A view of the endless sea of people.
The finish line with the famous Rose Bowl sign in the background.
Me and L. Very close up…
I was lucky number 7777. People kept telling me to go straight to Vegas!
Our yummy lunch of egg salad sandwiches at a popular local spot called Euro Pane.
Some goodies from Euro Pane that went under my pillow and straight to my butt.
All in all, a fabulous day!
Newport Nuptials
That’s awesome! I really want to do the Breast Cancer 3 day walk, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to rasie enough money, I think that is my goal post-wedding!
Fun! 🙂
AWESOME! Way to go you guys!
You definately know how to top it off too. That lunch looks great! (Actually, I don’t care for egg salad, but pastries are my weakness!)
OH I love that race, my mom and I participate in that each year!