L has a big exam today. I am a fidgeting, nervous mess.A couple of weeks ago, he had his semi-annual job evaluation. I was…
On Saturday, L and I had an impromptu date night.It was very much needed. We got to a point where the passive aggressive grinding…
I am going to be as vague as possible with this, but still try and paint a decent picture of the situation. Ready? Ok,…
The other day I had an epiphany. Well, actually I have had this epiphany before…but for some reason, it really sunk in. I was…
I was going to write a post entitled “Wifely Failures” and talk about all the things I don’t do right or all the shortcomings…
As much as I would like to report that we whisked ourselves away for our first anniversary and finally took that big honeymoon we…
How was your week?I read this yesterday, found it hilarious, and had to share it with you.sourceAnd with that…I’m off.Have a wonderful weekend, everyone….
As you all know, L and I recently celebrated our one year wedding anniversary. Marriage has brought many wonderful changes in my life. However,…
This weekend we will celebrate our first wedding anniversary.For the past twelve months, we have been creating a home together, sketching out a future,…
Growing up, my mom insisted that we have family dinners every night. We were lucky. She was a working mom who stayed at home…