The final two weeks of Lupron Depot treatment have been more of the same. I have had moments of feeling better where I think I have turned a corner, but then I go right back to feeling crappy. The good news is that on Monday we found out there will be no more Lupron shots! IVF Part Deux is starting. More on that to come…
Week Seven: I continued to have hot flashes, night sweats, exhaustion, and anxiety. I found that taking a beta blocker and/or a low dose of klonopin (as approved by my doctor) actually helped with the hot flashes. I have to believe there is some sort of connection between anxiety and hot flashes, because whenever I felt anxious, the hot flashes felt like they were ten times worse. I rarely experienced a hot flash that was not accompanied by anxiety in some form or another.
Week Eight: The home stretch! I was actually excited for Week Eight, because I was hoping that perhaps a switch would turn off and I would be relieved of any and all side effects. Ha! I wish. Week Eight came with the same challenges, and some new challenges as well. I noticed one evening that I felt kinda drunk (minus any of the fun parts including booze). I had some loss of balance and my head felt heavy. I chalked it up to klonopin side effects and went to bed. The next morning, I felt the same. I also had/have brain fog. I can’t remember much of anything, and I often cannot find the words to express what I am trying to say. Ummm, what the FUCK?! Brain fog has been one of the scariest side effects to date. Because I apparently enjoy torturing myself, L and I watched the movie, Side Effects. It’s a creepy movie made even creepier if you are on all sorts of medications while watching it.
I am now in my ninth week of Lupron, and my head still feels heavy, I have zero energy, and I have vertigo. My doctor believes that it is due to low estrogen. He thinks that it will dissipate when I start my meds for IVF. Gosh, I hope so.
Final thoughts: It has been a rough couple of months. I really think doctors who prescribe Lupron Depot should talk with their patients about the mental and emotional side effects that can occur while taking Lupron. Sure, anyone can read about the side effects online, but it is different when your doctor is the one telling you and hopefully supporting you through this. It really helped to hear directly from my doctor that I wasn’t going crazy. These side effects were within the norm and I should try not to worry as much as possible. He fully supported me taking anti-anxiety medication and encouraged me to be kind to myself. It was refreshing that my concerns were not brushed aside nor was I ever told “it couldn’t be the medication” (like I have been told many times in the past).
Where we go from here: We now know that my endometriosis responded to the Lupron and it appears to be in better shape then before. I don’t want to say too much at this point, because we are moving onto IVF, and we won’t know if this has truly been the “answer” we are looking for until we get through IVF Part Deux.
Thank you to everyone who supported me through the Lupron haze! (This includes the collection of loved ones who actually came in contact with me over the past nine weeks. I love you.)
If you have any questions or comments about my Lupron experiences, please feel free to comment, email me, or find me on Instagram (@lessthandomesticgoddess)
Find Other Posts in My Series on Lupron Depot:
Life on Lupron Depot: The First Two Weeks
Life on Lupron Depot: Weeks Three through Six

It sounds like you have a wonderful doctor. I'm so glad you find him supportive. It is so important when you are dealing w/ a major health issue. I really really really hope this is the answer and that you will be able to get pregnant. I'll be praying/hoping/wishing for you!!!!
Thank you so much for your thoughts. I am in week seven of my Lupron haze and it has been so helpful to have an articulate, brave gal telling me her experience and what to expect. I wish you nothing but the best.
"…mental and emotional side effects…" I almost feel as if undergoing infertility treatments should include some form of counseling, just like what is required with other life changing medical procedures. Having a middle man there not to "approve" or "disprove", but just to be a buffer zone seems like it would be a helpful resource to many! Hang in there!
@Jodi: Thank you for your support, Jodi! You have been such a good friend throughout all of this. It means a lot!!
@Anonymous: Thank you so much for commenting! I feel for any other person who has to be on this drug. Hang in there. I hope you don't have to be on it much longer. My very best to you!
@J: YES YES YES on counseling. I couldn't agree more. Thank you, friend. xoxo
Katie and Monroe Campbell
I just stumbled upon your blog. We are starting our first IVF this moth. Just had my endometrial scratching yesterday and started the lupron shots today. Getting nervous a out all the side effects. Thankful I found your blog as it seems you should be just a few days ahead of us. Best of luck.
http://[email protected]
Chanel Jibal
I always drop by here from time to time to check on you. I hope you're doing okay and feel better soon. I have IUI in a few days and nervous for just that lol. Good wishes for your IVF 🙂
I was just catching up on this blog and after I posted a comment about weeks 1-3. I have two kids and luckily lapocrosopies(SP?) were able to clean out my endro so I was able to get pregnant. My oldest is almost ten and I have had at least four more lapocrosopies (SP?) to get rid of cysts. The doc tried to go in again earlier this year for my "cleaning out" and was not able to get in. A spider web of scar tissue was blocking the doctor from seeing my uterus and ovaries. We are using the Lupron to help push back my endro but also to help determine is the pain is only from the endro or from the scar tissue also. (After I had my first child I had scar tissue wrapped around my colon so bad that I could hardly go #2 for a year.)
I wanted to add to the part about mental health… I have GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and Depression. My mental health professional said to do the hysterectomy and not Lupron. My doctor refused to do the hysterectomy until we tried the Lupron. So here I am scared out of my mind. Hearing your story even makes me more nervous. Hopefully we can keep everything under control and my endro will make a run for the hills like yours did.
I haven't had a chance to read all your posts but I hope IVF 2.0 is working for you!
Katy Powers
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with Lupron. I just had my first injection yesterday and found your blog via a Google search on what to expect when starting Lupron. This has been really helpful.
Hi Katy,
I'm glad to hear my posts have been helpful to you! I hope you get through the injections with minimal side effects! xo – Carly
Thank you so much for these posts. I just started Lupron injection today and Add-back Therapy. I’m certainly nervous, but I’m hopeful because I have severe stage 4 endo, and the side effects are terrible. I’m hoping the side-effects of Lupron pale in comparison to the endo, but I’m very grateful for your well-documented experience on Lupron. I will have to be on the treatment for 6 months, so I’ll let you know how it goes. All my best.
Thank you for sharing. I wish I lived in your city so I could be treated by your doctor! My doctor pretends there are no mood side effects and shows no empathy for the side effects I am experiencing. Nothing worse than doctors ignoring patient experiences as “anecdotal” and “not in the medical literature.” I kept reminding my doctor that I already have depression and he showed no worry or want to go over my medications. Now, after doing much research online since experiencing awful side effects (which did improve with add back progesterone therapy), I have decided not to risk getting the third 3.75 injection. I will discipline myself back to diet and exercise which reduces inflammation and eases the pain.
Raasheeda Waters
OMG…..yes….I don’t have Endo…but I’m taking lupron for 3 pre fibroid surgery….and I’m in my first month and have had every symptom you had..1-8 week…I hope month 2is better cause only symptom I haven’t had are the most extreme one suicide thought etc…..but I have been a straight b***h….I hate myself at this point and cry way to much cause I feel I can’t control my moods and emotions…..hell I fear losing my job…but I work at the clinic I get treatment at and my boss is the Dr treating me ….so that’s a perk…..but it’s just to much
Sydney Charles
I’m just stumbled upon this and thank you.
I started Lupron 2 weeks ago and now I don’t feel so alone. I’m inspired to share with other women because of you. You give me hope for my future IVF treatment and overall health of my reproductive system.
Thank you so much. 💜
Thank you so much for your kind words! Thinking good thoughts for you and sending a lot of hope! xoxo