This past Sunday, L and I went to check out Truckit Fest, a monthly food truck festival held in downtown L.A. Basically, it is exactly how you would imagine a food truck festival to be! Tons of food vendors, live music, interesting people, and various artisans selling all kinds of goodies.
The venue, Union Station, is nothing short of amazing. I think I’ve been to the train station once for an elementary school field trip. So, I was kind of in awe.
After doing a short lap around the food, we made our way inside to check out the various vendor tables. I was able to find my friend, Jella, who was showcasing her jewelry line, honey my heart! It was really nice to meet and chat with Jella as we have been blog buddies for a long time. She is also one of the biggest Lakers fans I know, so naturally we get along. 🙂
I picked up a gorgeous honey my heart necklace, too. Score!
Then we made our way back outside to get some grub, and noticed that the crowds had grown even more since we left them.
I’m not a big fan of crowds. We also forgot to pay the admission fee, and a security guard was getting his panties in a knot. So we herded over to the admission line which, of course, we discovered was super long.
At that point, I convinced L to take a stroll with me across the way to historic Olvera Street.
Olvera Street is a really cool historic district. I also hadn’t been there since I was young, so it was exciting to see that little had changed in the last twenty years or so.
L got to drink his favorite, Mexican Coke.
While I browsed around for some Mexican cultural trinkets…
…L browsed around for some big booties. (By the way, the front view was much more entertaining, but alas, we couldn’t get a good one. That guy on the left was pretending to sight see, but was also booty watching.)
Then we grew a bit tired, and it grew colder. We got a quick bite from a hole in the wall Mexican food place – so, so good – and we were on our way.
Before we got to our car, I made L take an outfit shot just for the heck of it. I’ve learned that I am way too lazy and forgetful to do consistent outfit posts. Kudos to those bloggers out there that do it!

Jacket {Nordstrom}
Striped Top {Brandy Melville}
Jeans {Arden B.}
Belt {American Apparel}
Shoes {Banana Republic}
Clutch {Trina Turk}
Wow I would have LOVED this event! What fun! 🙂
honey my heart
there was so much going on that i'm glad i had a table to sit at and avoid the crowds. but the food was delicious and i agree, union station is such a great venue. thank you so much for stopping by the event, chatting, and picking up a necklace. it is actually one of my favorite styles 🙂
I love Olvera Street. It's the one thing I miss most about LA.
LOL, boot-ay.
How wonderful you got to meet one another! You two look great. 🙂
I would have loved this event too! What a fun day!
So much fun! You look fabulous by the way– you are totally rocking those high waisted jeans!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
Aww two of my fave bloggers shopping, chatting, and eating – what could be better!
Agh stuff like this makes me remember it is good to leave orange county once in awhile!