I decided, in honor of actual Valentine’s Day, that I would post a V-day outfit that is more “the real me” as opposed to me trying to look date night cute for a guy (my husband).
I loved the frilly outfit from Part I, but, I’m more of a tomboy these days. Sometimes I dress kinda androgynous (minus neckties…I don’t do neckties).
So let’s try this one more time…

Valentine’s Day Outfit, part deux:
White Tee {American Apparel}
Cardigan {via Modcloth}
Jeans {Levi’s}
Peep Toes {Michael Kors}
Sunglasses {Forever21}
Flower Pins {EmersonMade}
A quick note before I go:
I have decided to close comments on my outfit posts from now on.
I have so much fun putting these posts together and it has become my little side project. Judging from blog hits, it seems like there is good interest in these posts, too. However, I grapple with how odd it feels to me to flash my mug all over this blog. I have gone years without doing that, and it makes me pretty uncomfortable! Believe it or not, I’m actually quite shy. (Well, until you get to know me. Then you’re like, “What happened to that sweet, shy girl?”)
So why do it?…you might ask. Because style interests me, I love looking at others’ outfit posts, and I hope it adds new dimension to this blog. We’ll see. I am OBSESSED with getting/reading your comments (don’t mean to sound ungrateful in the least), but I don’t want readers to feel obligated to comment. Maybe I’m being overly-sensitive? I can’t tell. This is a conundrum for me.
So, for now, I’m going to see how this whole closed comments thing goes. If you have a question about an outfit post, please feel free to comment on another post or email me at carlysdreams at hotmail dot com.
Thanks for your continued understanding of my over-thinking. 🙂