This all leads me to my recent fashion epiphany. I need to start from ground zero again. I need to go back to the basics. One awesome pair of jeans. One classic white button down. One black sweater. One pair of unstoppable boots. And the list goes on. I need to re-build my basics, and stop giving in so much to these “in the moment” pieces from H & M, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, etc. I wear them twice, they sit in my closet, and now they live in several bags begging to be hauled off to Goodwill. I dabble in mid-range stores like Banana Republic and J.Crew, and that usually works well. Or I may step a pinkie toe in a higher end store than that, but I usually wimp out when I see $200+ and run to the safety of my $24.99 price tags. Note: I’m not a bargain hunter. I am too lazy for that. I buy the stuff that was cheap to begin with. There’s a big difference.
The concept behind cheap clothing stores are to mass produce fun clothes, not staples. For the price of 5 Forever 21 items, I could afford something of better quality at a higher end store. Something that I can wear time and time again. I guess I am finally graduating. Like when college guys realize their “universal fraternity boy” sweater from Abercrombie and Fitch isn’t cool anymore. Time to move on.I’m not swearing off my cheapie stores completely. Sometimes a girl needs something fast and fun for a night on the town. But, I need to stock up on clothes that don’t have a hole in the armpit after one washing.
So there’s my confession of the day. My name is Carly, and I (used to) buy cheap, useless clothes. How do you shop? Name brands, thrift stores, popular retailers? Ebay? For the life of me, I have never quite figured out ebay clothing. I fear I’m too lazy and care too little to keep checking on items. I’d get duped into buying a fake Marc Jacobs blouse, then realize it was made in Cambodia, and is of lower quality than the clothes I get from Forever 21.
I’ll keep you posted on my wardrobe-bending adventures. Hey, it’s January…my goals for 2010 are still lofty.
I'm not enough of a bargin shopper to be all over Walmart or anything like that. I usually find a couple quality peices that I like, and stick with them. I use Gap or Levis for jeans (because they LAST and offer classic styling that never goes out). Other clothes I love are Eddie Bauer and Lands End for catalog shopping (though there are some stores around).
I think this is a very smart move!
Geek in Heels
I've never liked shopping, and I'm not that into fashion or clothes so almost all my pieces fall into the "classic basics" category…well, more like "boring" or "drab" (seriously, I dress like a middle-aged woman). However, if I need to buy something, I subscribe to the email lists of stores I like so that I'll be ready whenever they have sales.
I have a few pricier pieces from J.Crew, Anthro, and a couple of boutique shops which sell the designer labels (mostly jackets, sweaters, and some dresses) and the rest are all cheap. I have 5 pairs of cheap skinny jeans from Forever 21, a bunch of cheap tops from there, and almost all of my jewelry is from there too (wow, maybe I need to move on from forever21 too?)
If I spent my days buying everything at the boutiques, I'd be broke, but the few items I have really stand out when I wear them. The rest are just necessities. Good luck revamping the wardrobe!
Yeah I swore off Forever 21 awhile ago. I live in Banna Republic, Nordstroms and French Connection. My closet is full of staples that I have become the MASTER of mix-matching. Needless to say, I would highly recommend embarking on this new quest.
YES! I do the same thing. For what I buy in cheap useless clothes (that inevitably get holes in them), I could've bought one nice piece. No more Target clothes for me (unless it's an emergency). 🙂
Kristin ~ Bien Living
Oh, this post could have come from my fingertips as well..except I hadn't yet made the statement that I will stop shopping at these places! I need to, oh how I need to. My closet is jam packed full of nothing to wear & I want to throw it all away and start over. Like you said – great jeans, the perfect white shirt, etc. As much as my husband, friends & family wouldn't believe me, I'd love to have 20 SOLID, high quality staple outfits that I actually re-wear. No more of the fraying seams after one wear for me! Hmm…perhaps I will get there one day!
I always marvel at the quality of the items that I've dropped serious cash on – and that I'm still wearing years later. I need to remember that the next time I pop into Forever Slutty (what I nicknamed it years ago) on my lunch break!
Great post!!
M and C
Have you read or checked out Nina Garcia's book The One Hundred: A Guide to the Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own? I got it from the library a few months back and decided I was going to use it as a loose guide to organizing my closet and look.
@Kristin: Forever Slutty! Hahaha!!! Love that.
@M and C: I must check out Nina Garcia's book! I didn't even know she wrote one. I'm also tempted to buy the new Lucky Magazine book about style. Thanks for the tip!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
Sample sales and the Off Saks/Barney's outlet are FABULOUS sources for designer items at GAP prices. I've been doing that a lot more. I know it's so hard to say no to F21 and inevitably I'm sure you'll keep a few but I've tried to stock up on designer staples (or unique items).
1. Don't let price dictate your buying actions.
2. How many things you can wear with the item?
3. Is the outfit work-worthy or can be worn often casually?
I'm exactly like you! My husband literally picked up HALF of my winter wardrobe and put it in the guest bedroom to be taken to Goodwill. He said he'd bet me half of what he took was from high school or hand-me-downs from my mom…needless to say, I did NOT take the bet. It's time to start investing in staple clothing pieces and not get lured in by the fashions ALL the time. More power to you – I hope we both excel in this goal for 2010!
honey my heart
i had a similar experience a few years ago when i started working at a university. in an effort to stand out from the students (i was 1, maybe 2 years older than most) i had to stop buying from the cheaper stores and move to more basics and better quality. it was difficult at first, but now seeing the investment and quality of a piece pay off, i'm happy. i usually limit my purchases to a top, bottom, or sweater a month from stores like jcrew, banana, and anthro. and the sale rack is always a nice place. good luck with your goal 🙂 i'd love to read/see your find and your wardrobe changes.
I spend a lot of time at the sales racks at Banana Republic and have gotten some GREAT staples and fun pieces at good prices – a wool skirt for $20, jeans for $30, a jacket for $40, etc. etc. Quality clothes really do last, and black, white, grey, and blue go with everything, so start with that idea! And, you can try selling some of your unwanted stuff at a place like Buffalo Exchange and start out with some cash to fund you next shopping trip 🙂
Good luck!
My shopping tastes have no rhyme or reason however my shopping habits are based on my clothing budget for month. Budgeting actually keeps me making impulsive buys.
Plus Size Bride
I'm NOT a fan of shopping. Mainly because there is rarely any money in the budget for it. But I have gotten pretty good at finding good bargins on decent clothing off the 75% off rack. Now GRANTED most of those clothes are there for a reason but occasionally I'll find a decent deal. Or at least one that is a step above Walmart or Target quality until I can afford the really nice stuff.