L and I were discussing baby names the other day. I am most certainly NOT preggos, but it’s a fun (“fun” is a loosely defined term in my world ) game that we’ve been playing together for years now.
Here’s how it usually goes. I share my favorite names of the moment. Then he vetoes some or likes others. We usually agree on girls’ names. The first girl’s name we agreed on was Audrey. I have since moved on, but I will always love that name.
The most amusing part of this process is when he exercises his veto power. Here’s a true story.
Me: What do you think about Insert Girl’s Name Here?
Him: Hmmm, I don’t think so.
Not satisfied with his half-assed answer, I prodded him a bit more.
Me: Why don’t you like that name? What’s wrong with it?
Him: There’s nothing wrong with it. I would just never name our kid that.
Then I started to wonder, why was he so insistent that we not name our daughter this?!
After a little more questioning, I got my answer.
Him: Ok, fine. I once knew this girl named Insert Girl’s Name Here. During class she would pick her nose, and save her boogers under her desk. Everyone knew of her habit and talked about it frequently on the play yard. The consensus was that she was saving them to make booger stew. (Apparently the word on the playground was that she had been seen eating them on several occasions.)
I can’t knowingly give our kid the same name as an infamous snot collector, now can I? People often name their children after important people, family members, positive role models, etc. But do you associate certain names with not-so-stellar people? To the point where you’d avoid using that name altogether? I have a short list of some people from my past that kinda ruined perfectly good names for me. I know it’s silly, but come on, it happens!
Oh heck yes. Plenty of gorgeous names have been ruined by real people for me. I feel you guys; I couldn't possibly name my kid, no matter how beautiful a name, after someone I've known that I've thought was icky. 🙂 Our friend just recently named their kid XXXXXX, and I knew a girl in high school that I absolutely detested by that name. I can't even bring myself to say the name aloud; it just is so ugly to me. I feel bad for the kid! And it's funny because the parents of the kid didn't go to high school with me nor know the girl I knew, so it's not like they should give a crap, but I won't say their kid's name out loud. It's so ugly and gross to me. (It's a nice name but ICK.)
Geek in Heels
Ohhh yes. People that have rubbed me the wrong way in the past, fictional characters, and even friends (because we don't want them to falsely think that we named our kids after them). There was even one name that my husband liked that I vetoed because a celebrity named their kid that name.
hahaha we play this game as well and yes there are some names that are just ruined for me thought I don't think any have such a great story!
That is so funny! When I was student teaching in a kindergarten class in my grad school days there were a few little hellions in my PM class. I will never name my kids Dylan, Travis or Michelle because of it. 🙂
M and C
I do the same thing. There are a few names I think sound lovely and then I remember someone who had the name and the name sounds horrible after that. But I also do the opposite where I remember someone who was so amazing and think I should give my kid the same name in hopes that the traits are common amoung all those called xyz.
Kasia Fink
Are you kidding? Heck yes. I've threatened my husband on several occasions now that I was going to shut him off from any kind of social interaction ever for the rest of his life because every single baby name I've brought up has some nasty real-person association for him. I'm at my wit's end.
After being named myself after a 1970's tv character… I can say it "seems" like a cool thing to do, but hasn't been easy to live with! lol
I've always opted for more exotic names (Anthem being a favorite for a girl – which can be shortened to Ann… afterall, if I am ever able to have a daughter, it would definately bring more music and magic and meaning into my life!).
Wifey Wiferson
This is how I got my name. It was the first one that my Dad didn't have some gut reation towards related to weird people he once met. My mom declared they couldn't talk about it after they picked my name, which is so unusual that he could not have possibly met another one before to have a bad opinion of.
Sean and I do this all the time and we are years from having kids. I like less than common names and he likes Sean, Joe and Bob names. He vetos a lot claiming they remind him of someone.
@Kasia: LOL!
@Christina: My parents were on different sides of the name fence as well. My mom liked traditional names, and my dad wasn't a fan. My brothers and I ended up with pretty uncommon names (given our birth years), so I guess my dad won that battle!
Oh my – I almost barfed a little reading that. I used to be 100% positive that if I ever had a girl child (which, if I ever do have kids, I will only accept females) I would name her Abigail. Then my former boss ( a huge B-I-T-you know the rest) named HER daughter Abigail, and now it is ruined for me. (p.s. hubby and I play this game too) Very often when I hear a name suggestion, somebody I know with that name will come to mind, and it often has an influence.