I’m missing a major component that every woman should have in their wardrobe: a “dressy” coat. Blame it on the lack of winter in L.A. or the extreme winters in Ithaca; the only jackets I own are casual or the big guns/Northface/add fifteen pounds of fleece ones. So on the rare occasion that I force myself out at night, I either freeze my ass off or wear the equivalent of a denim jacket.
I saw this piece and fell in love. I’d have to try it on, because who knows if the roses on the collar would be too much for me…but it looks delicious on the model! (No surprise there)Source: White House Black Market
And for $228, I think that’s a pretty decent price. I was looking at sweaters at Anthropologie the other day, and the one I wanted was $288. For a SWEATER. I love Anthro, but their prices are kinda pissing my wallet off right now. Oh, and can I tell one last story about them? I found these adorable little stationery sets for my bridesmaids at Cost Plus back in June. About a month later, I saw the exact same sets at Anthro for double the price. Watch what you spend there, ladies.
I enjoy their products, but I have become much more aware of what I purchase from them. Me no likey getting ripped off! Do you have your eye out for any wardrobe staples this season?
brooke @ claremont road
That coat is super cute!
I, too, love Anthro, but definitely feel like mostly everything is overpriced. I will splurge on a gorgeous dress for a special event that I know I'll be able to wear again, or maybe spend $100 on a sweater that I know will last me a few years, but yeah… $288 for a sweater is just ridonkulous. I have really lucked out with waiting until things go on clearance there and getting some incredible deals. I think especially in this economy, things are faster to go on sale because no one is buying them at full price!
The coat is really cute!!
I used to work at Anthro and would always see stuff at Forever 21 or Target that looked exactly the same. Sometimes I would buy something and it wold break and I'd have to bring it back. But some items are worth it, my favorite sweater is from there, and the embroidery on it could never be found at a cheaper place like Forever21.
Carly, you've made me want to go shopping now. 🙂
what a gorgeous coat! I love the rosettes and the ruffle detailing. It is definitely worth the investment especially if you love it =)
I have a love/hate relationship with Anthro. Love: the clothes, the tights (the best variety), and the store displays. Hate: the prices, quality can be questionable and that these issues do not hinder sales…at all. Anthro seems to be the go-to place for most brides-to-be for their e-pic outfits which I find mildly amusing but it's understandable.
Also, if you happen to like something from their shoe selection google it first before buying it. I have found quite a few pairs on Endless, Nordstrom's, Lori's, etc not only at a cheaper price but better shipping prices (i.e. free).
P.S. Kohl's had a coat that was similar to the one you posted above (at least in the neckline).
Wifey Wiferson
Love that coat! I agree about Anthro. The clothes are lovely, but I can't afford any of it. I simply adore the home decor stuff though, and most of those prices are better. Where else can you find such adorable door knobs?
honey my heart
love the style of the coat. a great coat can dress up any outfit 🙂 i have a few casual ones and 1 blue 'dressy' coat for going out occasions. this season i'm concentrating on bright and bold printed scarfs as a wardrobe staple since they have the ability to dress up an outfit, too 🙂
I'm on a lookout for a dressy coat too, but since it actually gets wintry here in WI, I'm looking for wool, in a vintage trapeze shape, in a cream or winter white. I just can't find it anywhere!
Beautiful jacket! Didya get it???
@Kate: I ended up getting a fabulous new coat from my husband for Christmas! (Not this one, despite its utter gorgeousness) Maybe I'll post about it in a bit 🙂