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  • Baby Update: 21 WEEKS!

    August 6, 2014

    Baby K is 21 weeks old today! 

    I was terrible at documenting my pregnancy. I don’t have those week by week adorable belly photos where…

  • Changes

    May 5, 2014

    First off, Happy New Year…five months late! 

    I haven’t been around for awhile. There are a few reasons for my absence. The most important being…

  • Lucky 13.

    June 10, 2013

    I wanted to pop on here and provide a little update for anyone who is following along.

    21 eggs retrieved.
    15 mature.
    13 fertilized.

    I am taking it…

  • Eye of the Tiger

    June 7, 2013

    Well, folks, we are approaching one of the most crucial stages of any IVF cycle: the egg retrieval. This Sunday, I will faithfully don…