Browsing Category


  • 2013 so far

    February 21, 2013

    So it’s nearly March. WOW. I am taking my first official sick day in months, so I find myself with a little window of…

  • So long, 2012.

    December 31, 2012

    2012 has been a good year.

    As I told my mom the other day, “This is the first time in a long time that I…

  • Wardrobe Obsessions

    October 15, 2012

    Wardrobe obsessions. You have twenty white t-shirts, but you are always looking for another? I think it is safe to say you might be…

  • Therapy.

    October 2, 2012

    I have finally decided to get serious about starting therapy. If you have read more than two of my posts in the past couple…

  • Thank You

    August 31, 2012

    Thank you so much for all your sweet, supportive comments on my IVF posts. I went back and forth for weeks thinking about whether…