Dinner in Santa Monica at this place called Zengo. We only went because we had a really great coupon. The food was good, but…
I love lazy, unplanned Saturdays. They can be so unexpectedly delightful, especially when the weather is nice. L.A. has had some weird weather patterns…
L and I have had a few fun nights out in the city lately. I haven’t had much time to share our adventures, so…
I love that my last post was about the beautiful, sunny day, because today’s post shows just how quickly Los Angeles weather can change.Yesterday…
Fall does not officially begin for a few days, but I can’t wait for it to get here! Not that L.A. weather changes much,…
Bouncing back from the state of anxiety-ridden hell I was in has been quite a learning experience. It hasn’t been all happy and pleasurable,…
sourceThat’s right.I am now the new owner of an iPhone.I feel like the last kid in college to turn 21.Better late than never, right?To…
On Saturday, L and I had an impromptu date night.It was very much needed. We got to a point where the passive aggressive grinding…
May I have this house, please? I promise I’ll take good care of it.I love these L.A. digs I saw on Young House Love.Unfortunately…
This weekend we experienced our first real taste of consistently hot weather. L and I went to the park where coincidentally we had our…