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  • OMG

    June 28, 2010

    Dude. What the F happened to Kate Gosselin? Somewhat slowly and sneakily, she has become permanently surprised.When I saw this picture on, I…

  • Thank You, Readers!

    June 28, 2010

    {just a random engagement picture I found that I never shared!}Thank you so much for your supportive comments on my recent posts. It is…

  • Year One.

    June 25, 2010

    This weekend we will celebrate our first wedding anniversary.For the past twelve months, we have been creating a home together, sketching out a future,…

  • Summer TV

    June 24, 2010

    This Sunday, my weekend television prospects get a little bit brighter with the premieres of two HBO shows.EntouragesourceWe enjoy this show. L read that…

  • Dinner Conversation

    June 23, 2010

    Growing up, my mom insisted that we have family dinners every night. We were lucky. She was a working mom who stayed at home…

  • To Dyson or Not?

    June 22, 2010

    sourceA couple of days ago I read this post. (The blog post was great and well-written. It was the pictures that caused me the…

  • Makes You Think

    June 21, 2010

    I am knee-deep in “Operation De-Clutter”. The past couple of weeks have consisted of me peeking into various storage boxes that have cleverly taken…

  • Dad

    June 20, 2010

    Thank you for helping me understand the importance of my education.Thank you for having the highest expectations of me.Thank you for being the smartest…

  • Lovely Weekend

    June 18, 2010

    It’s been a long week for this little blog! I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to start the weekend.Things I want to…