Browsing Category


  • Random Good

    September 14, 2010

    My life is so random right now. I feel like nothing quite fits. I am a bit lost. Yet, for the first time in…

  • It’s Friday Again

    September 10, 2010

    This has been a busy week, and as a consequence, posting has been light. Also, I haven’t had any time to stalk my usual…

  • The Salad Bar Thief

    September 5, 2010

    The supermarket is a great place to judge social behavior. A lot goes down within those stocked aisles. I’ll admit it. I judge people.When…

  • Model Looks: Hall of Misery

    September 1, 2010

    What is with Urban Outfitters’ models? Their lives must be pretty freakin’ tough.I have compiled a series of photos from Urban’s online catalog to…

  • Date Night

    August 23, 2010

    On Saturday, L and I had an impromptu date night.It was very much needed. We got to a point where the passive aggressive grinding…