My surprise revealed!!
This weekend our family welcomed a new member to our home. We adopted a puppy!
Readers, meet Henry.
Henry is a chihuahua/dachshund mix. He is eight weeks old and is the cutest little butter ball I have ever seen. He has a big belly and stumpy legs. We are seriously in LOVE!
Emma isn’t completely sold on her new little brother yet. She ignores him, and is generally not pleased. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she comes around soon.
L had arranged a picturesque picnic lunch for us at a park in Malibu for Valentine’s Day, but instead, we spent our day buying a crate and smelling our new puppy.
I couldn’t be happier!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
Aww, I love the legs on dachshunds! Congrats on the newest family member!
pink helicopter
Gaaaah he's adorable!!
I love Henry already! He's such a pretty color too!
AHHHHH!! Henry is SO CUTE.
So cute … I wish Princess, Emma & Henry could play! Hehe, that's an awfully long commute for a doggy date, though!
Make sure to post a lot of pictures as he goes through puppy hood!
TwoWishes Tara
Cute beyond words! Wish I could give him a snuggle, smell his puppy breath, and be chewed on by his little razor teeth…. Puppies are kind of a pain in the neck, but they're just so darn adorable!
honey my heart
what a cute puppy! i've never seen that mix, and love it
Ok, this is the third time I have come back to this post today.
I have puppy envy.
Thanks, everyone!! We can't get enough of our little pup!
I will definitely take a lot of pics! They grow so quickly that later it's easy to forget how small they once were!

@Krista: Awww, I wish we could do a doggy play day with Princess
@TwoWishes Tara: He totally has razor teeth right now!! And puppies are totally a pain! I am running on adrenaline right now, but I know I will likely be crashing and burning by week's end
@honey my heart: Thanks, sweetie! The mix is called a "chiweenie"…isn't that funny?! I had never seen it either.
@Mo: Hahaha! You guys should get a pup after the wedding! It's a lot of work, but so much fun, too
Enjoy the little guy. So precious!! Having a dog is the absolute best!
Great to see you're crate training him! BEST THING EVER!
What a cutie pie. I think that Butterball is a great way to describe him.
I discovered you from a comment you left at Nie and You. So glad that I did!
Phone with a Cord
eeee what a cuddley little friend
Gah! He is so stinkin' cute! I just want to kiss him!
Maybe I should mention to Jason that we need a puppy…
Oh I RUV Henry, he is the just cutest thing. As soon as I saw his little face I was like, it's a weenie dog!
Thanks everyone!!!
Cheap Wife
I can't get over how cute your puppy is!!!!