**This post was scheduled for yesterday, but yesterday was a day of blog silence for Japan. Love and prayers to everyone affected by the earthquake and tsunami.**
Thank you all for your well wishes! The surgery was successful! I’ll say this in the most technical way I can – I GOT CLEANED OUT! 😉 And there was a good amount of “stuff” to clean out. I’ll get to that later after I talk more with my doctor at my post-op appointment.
I wanted to share these photos, because they show what I saw and felt during check-in and before surgery. This is one of the perks of having a husband who likes photography. Pictures of everything! Delivering a baby should be interesting. I’m telling you now, there will be NO pics of my hoo-ha.
Anyway, I checked in at the surgery center and waited awhile with my parents and L. I had a whole team of supporters which was comforting! Finally, my nurse, Perla, came to get me. Perla (pictured below) was my adoptive Filipino grandma, and I loved her.

I had my IV put in fairly quickly and painlessly. Perla had some issues dealing with my tiny veins, but all went well.

Perla brought me a ton of warm blankets which helped calm my nerves. I managed to give L a big smile. I honestly have no idea why I look so happy here. I was freaking out!

This is a more accurate depiction of how I felt. Pensive and nervous.

I got these snazzy gray socks to wear, and they wrapped my legs in these huge massaging contraptions. There are supposed to help avoid blood clots in your legs during surgery.

One last prayer for strength before they wheeled me in.

Apparently L thought it was fun to take this photo of me just as I woke up in recovery. I’m only sharing it because I love you guys. I had no idea what was going on, if you can’t tell.
Overall, the surgery went quite well. I am recovering comfortably at home, eating a lot of my mom’s homemade cooking, and resting. My heart is very thankful.
All the best for you and a speedy recovery!
So happy it's over! 🙂 Can't wait to hear more. <3
More Than Rubies
So wonderful to hear of your successful surgery!
Surgery is always very scary, but I'm so glad yours was uneventful (or as uneventful as these things can be). I remember waking up and being so out of it. And STRUGGLING to wake up! (Apparently they went a bit heavy on the anestesia for me!) And I remember my throst KILLING me (Had to be intubated). But other than that, everything went well! I remember being wheeled into the room and the anesthesologist telling me that I might feel cold and taste copper. By the time I tasted it, I was out cold!
A Long Far View
So happy to hear it all went well!
I'm glad to hear you are okay now. Wishing you a speedy recovery and nothing but the best in you and L's future.
Geek in Heels
So glad that the surgery went smoothly and that you're well on your way to recovery!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
honey my heart
i'm very glad to hear your surgery went well and you were surrounded by loved ones. hope you have a good recovery 🙂
TwoWishes Tara
So glad it went well. Here's wishing you an easy an healthy recovery!
And I'm so impressed with those beautiful photos — even more so once I noticed belatedly that they were taken on an iPhone! Your husband is tremendously talented. Can't wait to see his childbirth photos (hoo ha excepted, of course!) if and when that day arrives…
so happy all went well. take care of yourself and focus on your recovery :o)
Yay, I'm glad it went well. Sending you good thoughts! 🙂
I'm so glad it went well!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us, I'm glad you're at home and resting! 🙂
I'm so glad that it all went well! And, I had anxiety just looking at the photos. Hospitals make me so anxious!!
Cheap Wife
Wishing you a quick healing!
Micah and Catherine
Glad everything went well. Hope you you get well soon!
Yay! So happy to hear everything went well!
so happy to hear your surgery went well. sending you good positive vibes!
So glad everything went well and you are recovering!!
Glad you are on your way to recovering and all went well.
Carly, I am so happy that your surgery went well! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
AmyJean {Relentless Bride}
I'm so glad your surgery was successful and that you are doing well. It's the first steps to your big baby goal, so i'm excited for your recovery and all the great things to come for you! 🙂