…I’ll give you a baby Henry.
He’s a big boy now, but
I miss his puppy breath and his chubby puppy belly.
I found this photo while organizing some folders on our home computer.
Thank you all so much for your support! Your comments made me feel so much better.

Try Anything Once Terri
Oh my! He is a cute doggie. All the best and a big hug. 🙂
I tried to leave a comment on your last post, but blogger wouldn't let me and after 3 tries, I gave up… I hope this one goes through. Thinking of you and…
Go Team Less than Domestic Baby!!!
Ah Henry 🙂
I was late to the commenting for yesterday – I only got on google reader today. Sorry to hear about (more) lady-region troubles. Hopefully, Nurse Newbie is with you next time so you can participate in your own laprascopy!
Le sigh. Adorable.
honey my heart
he is such a cute dog 🙂
He is just the cutiest patootiest in the whole wide world! 🙂
My Dream Ring
Thanks for checking in with me. I miss blogging and my blogging buddies, but I am sooooo busy with bridal shows, my new job and my family. I miss reading your blog, I always loved your honesty. I qish the best for you and now that I have this awesome droidx I can check blogs more. Keep in touch.
@BusyLizzy: Oh no! I wonder why you couldn't comment. 🙁 Well, I'm glad you finally got through, and thank you so much!
Kristin ~ Bien Living Design
YAY. I love Henry pics! 🙂