Hi All, Just a little note – my site is having some technical issues. All of the wonderful blog comments from before August 2009 have mysteriously disappeared! We’re trying to work this out, and communicating with Blogger, but no solutions yet. I really really hope I haven’t lost my comments. I especially loved the ones I received on my wedding posts. Wah! Anyway, just a heads up. I didn’t want you to think I erased them! Happy Turkey Day!! Safe travels and warm memories…
**EDIT: I’ve added word protection or whatever it’s called so that you have to enter a given word before commenting. I still have no idea what’s going on, because Blogger has not addressed my concerns in their Help forum. Apparently A LOT of bloggers are experiencing these issues. Please let me know by email: carlysdreams (at) hotmail (dot) com if you are experiencing any technical difficulties with my blog. Thank you!**
