Sunday evenings tend to be kinda…sucky. Pardon my lack of witty word choice, but since I was of school age, Sunday evenings were reserved for dreading Monday and the upcoming week. Well, I finally found a solid cure for my Sunday blues. For awhile now, I have been looking forward to 10pm every Sunday because I get to watch one of my favorite TV shows, Brothers & Sisters. *cue L’s eye roll* I should give him some slack. L got over my obsessive need to watch Brothers & Sisters awhile back. He’s just bitter lately because Entourage and True Blood went on season hiatus, and he has nothing to watch but football highlights on Sunday nights. Anyone else a fan of Brothers & Sisters? What are your favorite shows?



  1. Linda

    November 9, 2009

    LOVE that show, too! I'm counting down until Brothers & Sisters is on…exactly 30 more minutes left!

  2. thelessthandomesticgoddess

    November 9, 2009

    @Linda: Yay – I'm totally killing time until the show starts, too! 10 minutes and counting 🙂

  3. Chic 'n Cheap Living

    November 9, 2009

    Yes, it was a GREAT Sunday night show – even the Mr. watched it. Unfortunately, we miss out on a ton now that we're in London. True Blood recently started showing here so we've definitely gotten into that!

  4. violarulz/ducksandbooks

    November 9, 2009

    I love that show. My dad and I watch it, and then talk about it later in the week. I'm just about to start catching up on my DVR shows from the weekend (I work then).

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