I read this quote and immediately connected with it. L and I have gotten in many fights about this very subject. Sometimes he loves differently than I do. For the most part, I’ve learned to accept that. But every once in awhile, I have those tough days where it’s still difficult for me to fully trust. I suppose that’s my own insecurity rearing its ugly head.

I like that quote a lot. I totally relate with what you said about loving differently.
You've probably already heard of this, but if not, have you read the book, The Five Languages of Love? This quote totally reminds me of the book. Supposedly, the five ways that people show love are:
1. Words of affirmation
2. Quality time
3. Acts of service (changing the oil in your car, cooking dinner, etc)
4. Physical touch
5. Gifts
Sometimes, if two people don't "speak" the same language of love, it can cause a person to feel unappreciated or unloved. Anyway, this quote just reminded me of the book so I thought I'd share. 🙂
Hey, Kelly! I've heard of that book, but I've never read it. You've inspired me to pick it up next time I'm at the bookstore or the library. It sounds really interesting and relevant to my situation. Thank you!
honey my heart
i like that quote! it holds so much truth in how my relationship was in the past, how to look at it today, and is something i should look at in the future. thanks for sharing it 🙂
Westside Wedding
Hi Carly! I know what you mean. My fiancee & I went to marriage prep a few weeks ago & they talked about this very subject. They were explaining how people show love differently & as a couple you need to realize how each one of us sees & shows love. For example one person may show love by cooking a nice meal & the person comes home and just wants you to sit down with them & cuddle (the way they show love & want to be loved) and the person who cooked dinner gets upset because their love was not appreciated. No one is wrong they just show love differently & it's about communication. They also said that couples should ask each other once in a while, "what can I do for you". They also asked us to write on a piece of paper what our partner does that makes us feel loved, then we shared it with our partner, it was pretty cool. I left you something on my blog 🙂
My husband and I struggle with this too. I think it's more common than any of us think. Even when you have the understanding of the love languages and know how your partner views/shows love, it's still difficult to not get caught up in your own thoughts on love. Ultimately, we selfishly want to be satisfied, which I don't believe is wrong, it just helps to try to drill that understanding and what that quote is trying to say into our heads 🙂
Cheap Wife
I really like that a lot…and it's a good reminder. A good reminder to put yourself in each others shoes.
I wish I had the exact quote…but my mother has a quote on her fridge that is something like:
"Today I will judge myself and others less harshly"
I like it…..I expect a lot of others. I expect a lot from my husband. That isn't a bad thing…but you can get to the point where you can forget that we are different and maybe our way isn't always right and just because someone does something different than we would…or would like…doesn't mean that they don't love us and that their heart is in the right place