For those of you planning your wedding, I found this little jewel hidden in my blog drafts. A vintage post written by yours truly. This is where my head was at T minus 3 months from our big June date. Evidence that wedding planning can make you crazy. I’ve just since forgotten. What the hell was wrong with me?

Prepared or not, we are nearing the three month mark. For all of you in a similar boat as me, or those of you with even less time until the wedding, you can probably understand this.
Lately, I have been like a grouchy senior citizen: complaining and grumpy. I’ve taken to creating a weekly schedule on Mondays. The schedule maps out wedding tasks for the week; things that should be done during the week or on the weekends. Mr. G’s career life is super busy right now, so I usually end up taking on most of the tasks myself.
But lately it has been tough because it seems like the “to do” list is getting longer…and I am doing EVERYTHING. What people (and when I say “people” I mean family/friends/whoever is involved in this wedding) fail to understand is that with every decision, every option, every detail, I have done hours upon hours of research. I have examined every way to save money, to save time, and not to inconvenience people. But still I hear the criticisms. “Oh, why don’t you just do this?” Or “Isn’t that more expensive? I think you shouldn’t do it.” I just want to pull my hair out and scream. Or maybe what I should say to them is, “Yes, that’s nice that you have an opinion. But, why don’t you try actually putting some work in and helping out, instead of sitting and making judgments from the sidelines?”
Call me a “bridezilla”. Call me a “control freak”. Call me whatever you please. But, honestly, get out of my way because you are annoying me.

November 22, 2009



  1. E @ Oh! Apostrophe

    November 23, 2009

    Ha! I totally remember feeling that exact same way. Scary, isn't it??

  2. thelessthandomesticgoddess

    November 23, 2009

    @E: I am frightened of the pre-wedding me after reading this post! Hell on wheels!

  3. HisBirdie (Ali)

    November 23, 2009

    I was SO there as well :-/

  4. Creature Gorgeous

    November 24, 2009

    Me, too.

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