iPhone Pic + Sexy Hairnet = Thanks husband A little update: I’m doing okay, and taking it easy. The surgery went well! My surgeon was surprised with what he found (I’ll explain later), but took care of things like the genius that he is.I had to wait pre-surgery for what seemed like forever. I kept thinking about how nervous I was, and how I was the youngest person in the surgery center, by maybe three decades. The pre-op beds were so close together I could hear the conversations coming from behind the other curtains. The man to my right had just started chemotherapy. He was getting a chest catheter put in. His wife had all kinds of questions for his doctor. I sat there feeling scared for him and for her. It’s not that it made what I was going through any better or worse, but I thought about how challenging life can be at times. We all have to live with the hands we’ve been dealt, and help ourselves and the ones we love to the best of our abilities. That’s really all we can do. Even though I didn’t say a word to him or even see his face, I hope that man and his wife are doing okay. I hope his treatments will help him.
Lots of love to you all. Got to go now. I’ve got a date with my DVR. 🙂
Get well soon Carly! Thinking of you over here!!!
HisBirdie (Ali)
Get well soon! So glad to hear it went well 🙂
Here's to a speedy recovery!! Glad the surgery went well!
Cheap Wife
Feel better!
olivia rae
so glad it went well! you're handling everything with so much beauty and grace.. i truly admire you! xo
Westside Wedding
I'm glad it all went well!!
My Dream Ring
So happy to hear that surgery went well. Thinking of you 🙂
Wishing you a speedy recovery, take care!
i'll be prayin for a speed recovery! keep the positive attitude!
I can't thank you all enough for the support and sweet comments!! 🙂
honey my heart
hope that you are feeling better and the recovery process is going well.