I have a new reality series obsession: Thintervention with Jackie Warner!

The show is centered around a group of individuals (a colorful bundle of characters) who are unhappy with their weight and their looks. They are out of shape, uninspired, and suffering from low self-esteem.

Enter: Jackie Warner, crazy awesome (and intimidating) trainer/life coach/cut arms lady.

Each week this team of unmotivated complainers completes training activities with Jackie, participates in group therapy, and learns healthy eating habits.

I think what attracts me to this show is that it’s real. Okay, the participants are a little over the top (i.e. Jeana Keough from The Real Housewives of O.C.), but they have a lot of trouble finding inspiration, are distracted by the stresses of jobs and families, and they cheat on their diets and their workouts. Sounds like real life, no?

These people aren’t being sent to some intense ranch to complete eight hour a day workouts. They work out a few times a week with Jackie, and the rest is up to them. I can relate to their frustrations and laziness, because none of us are robots. We have lazy days, and fast food days, too. So despite all the silliness that goes on with the peanut gallery on the show, I have actually been inspired by what Jackie is trying to do here.

Do you watch Thintervention? New episodes air on Mondays at 10pm on Bravo.

September 30, 2010



  1. honey my heart

    October 4, 2010

    i do watch thintervention! jackie is a bit scary but totally insipring 🙂

  2. Creature Gorgeous

    October 8, 2010

    I don't know about thintervention, but I have a crush on Jackie.

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