Several days ago on Twitter, John Mayer (yes, I follow him. ‘Continuum’ is always playing on my iPod) asked the question, “What word, phrase, social custom, etc. do you hope dies out in the turn of the decade?” I don’t know if Mayer was actually responsible for starting this discussion, but regardless, it’s an interesting question. Here were some of the responses:
The English use of the word “Uber”: Uber Irritating. Mayer added, pseudo, quasi, and -esque.
“Foodie.” Really, so if I don’t want to consider myself one, then I’ll eat anything? You gonna finish that bag of glass?”I threw up in my mouth” “… made me throw up a little” or any of the variation. So overused.——–
Like seriously, I’m uber-mad that “foodie” got called out! 🙂
I mentioned this to L, who promptly responded with what he believes to be the most over-used phrase of the decade: “Trials and tribulations”. I’m compelled to believe that this phrase was made popular by all of the politicians and public figures (athletes and cheesy celebs, in particular) who have made messes of their lives and held press conferences or given interviews to discuss their recent”trials and tribulations”. Bleh.
I’m also pretty sick of IDK, ROTFL, and all of those acronyms that teenagers text one another that I can never decipher unless explained to me. Although I recently found out what “FML” means, and I’m so keeping that one.
Can you think of something we should “leave in the ’00s?

November 30, 2009



  1. Cathleya

    December 2, 2009

    Haha… John Mayer did a good job! I don't like calling people "peeps" I have no idea why. I also dislike any words that are modified to be used specifically for Twitter, like "Tweeps" "Tweople".

  2. Penny

    December 2, 2009

    Don't hate me, but I hope "foodie" dies a horrible death, too! I agree with the other ones, too!

  3. Kasia Fink

    December 2, 2009

    I hope FAIL dies – you know, when people say Blah blah blah… FAIL. I hate that. Also, FTW (For The Win), as in, Grilled cheese FTW.

  4. thelessthandomesticgoddess

    December 2, 2009

    @Pengy: Totally feeling you on tweeps, peeps, and whatever else. I read sheeple somewhere, too. A grown person says "sheeple"?

    @Penny: Haha! I was being sarcastic with the uber-mad/foodie comment 🙂

    Kasia: Fail is painfully overused! "Oh no, I got a papercut…epic fail." Grrrr! And I never knew what FTW meant! Haha

  5. Wifey Wiferson

    December 2, 2009

    Ghostwritten memoirs of seemingly anyone who ever got fifteen seconds of fame.

  6. Creature Gorgeous

    December 2, 2009

    I'm with Penny. Foodie is cheeserific. I feel compelled to say it, but detest!!! As for the acronyms, I'm really clueless and haven't a clue. It's probably best that they die out before I get one and embarrass myself!

  7. Cheap Wife

    December 2, 2009

    Twitter. I have always thought that it seemed like a "one hit wonder". It got big…really big….and I think it will die out. I have always felt like we see it on "I love the 2000's – 2008" and there will be a bit on this weird thing called Twitter that was all the rage. 😉

  8. Linda

    December 2, 2009


    Hope it goes!

  9. Chic 'n Cheap Living

    December 2, 2009

    Haha those acronyms – please die! Though teenagers and stars will just make up something else.

  10. HisBirdie (Ali)

    December 2, 2009

    I'm a Foodie and I hope the term Foodie dies. Who doesn't love food, aren't we ALL Foodies… or maybe I just surround myself w/ food loving people, hmmmm?
    I hate pwned – what does it even mean? (Okay, I've Googled it an know what it means, but it's still SUPER lame)

  11. sassandpancakes

    December 2, 2009

    I'm with you on foodie!

    My term is BLING! Bling needs to go away.

  12. Maria

    December 2, 2009

    i hate "le sigh!" ahhh!

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