Dear Readers,

Thank you for all your sweet comments about the new blog look. I am so excited about it, and I’m overjoyed that you are, too. Even though I am no longer technically “Westside Bride”, I hope that you will continue this adventure with me, especially as I figure out what being married is all about. God help me. Actually, God help us all. 🙂

I selected the title “The Less Than Domestic Goddess” because it does a pretty good job of describing the essence of me. I’m not domestic nor am I very housewife-ish. I’m still convinced Weddingbee took pity on me because my crafting skills are average, at best. However, I love to write. I love to feel inspired. I love my new husband. And I love weddings (notice I’ve kept a tab up top called “weddings” as an excuse to post pretty wedding pics every now and then). So that is enough impetus for me to keep this blog rollin’ along.

Before I go, I have to give major props to Kelly (a.k.a. Mrs. Flamingo on Weddingbee) at blush!nk. Her knack for design and pretty things helped transform this blog into what you see today. Feel free to visit her at blush!nk’s official blog, Glamour This! She’s super nice, and knows how to do cool things with computers.

August 27, 2009
