Oh my goodness, I’ve been tagged by Once A Bride for a blog award! Once A Bride has a fabulous, fun, and helpful blog – please check it out asap! My apologies for not posting this sooner. I’ve been swamped and under the weather this week. Yuck.


1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs who show great ATTITUDE and/ or GRATITUDE

3. Be sure to link to your nominees in your post

4. Let them know they’ve received this award by commenting on their blog

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received the award
Here are 10 Favorites:

We Shall Wed



  1. Grosgrain Bride

    January 29, 2009

    That’s super sweet and fitting if I do say so myself 🙂 Thanks lady!

  2. Anne K. in L.A.

    January 30, 2009

    Thanks for the award:)

    Now I gotta come up with my list. You, of course, are on my list as well.

  3. Newport Nuptials

    January 31, 2009


    I’ll have to post soon!

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