First off, let me say, I am so happy to be here! I’ve been a fan of Weddingbee for quite some time now, and couldn’t imagine a more awesome way to share tips and trade secrets than blogging on my favorite wedding website. I think I’m still in shock that I am actually here.

Why Glitter? Because glitter makes everything beautiful and sparkly! Upon hearing the news of my Bee character selection, my college-aged brother said, “Miss Glitter? That name sounds like you are a writer for Playboy Magazine.” His comment gives you a little insight into my upbringing. No, my mom wasn’t in Playboy, nothing like that, but I grew up in a household of mostly guys which included two brothers and my dad. Now that my fiancé has joined the mix, my mom and I are completely outnumbered. So let’s just say I have a high tolerance for inappropriate comments, trash talk and general lewdness that many women should never have to witness. Strangely, I still enjoy being a girly girl, so perhaps I haven’t been damaged beyond repair by all the crazy men in my life. 🙂 Moving on…

I was born and raised in the city of Angels. While the mention of L.A. can make many people cringe (the stereotypes of a city filled with traffic, smog, and starving, fitness obsessed people), I fall more in love with this place each day. I am a big fan of comfort foods, pretty clothes, shoes I can’t afford, the East Coast (particularly western Massachusetts and upstate New York where I went to school), politics (I’ve got a master’s in Public Administration), attempting to walk places instead of drive, day dreaming, and generally trying to live life to the fullest!

I currently live with Mr. Glitter and our dog, Emma. Mr. Glitter and I have been together for over 5 ½ years! We met many years ago at a mutual friend’s party in San Diego where Mr. Glitter proceeded to pour me a big ‘ol cranvodka (that was all vodka with a splash of cran), and we hit it off immediately. To this day, we laugh about the fact that he tried to get me drunk before our first “real” conversation. But, all jokes aside, after we met, I knew something was different about this one. We’ve been through so much over the course of our relationship – highs, lows and everything in between. But, somehow, we’ve always stayed true to each other. I am so excited for the road ahead and to share all of my planning experiences with the lovely audience of Weddingbee!

Before I go, here’s a picture of us to put some faces with the names. We took it at the Grand Canyon amidst one of our cross-country drives. We have many self portraits like this due to our embarrassment over constantly asking strangers, “Can you please take a picture of us?”

December 5, 2008



  1. honey my heart

    December 8, 2008

    congratulations on becoming a weddingbee 🙂 your blog is great and i love that you love la.

  2. Broke-ass Bride

    December 8, 2008

    Meaty likey!

  3. Krista

    December 8, 2008

    Haha – nice pic, Carly! 🙂 I love it!

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